by Paul Syltie | Jul 27, 2021
by Paul Syltie | Jul 27, 2021
Who Do We See in the Mirror? A Study Outline I. For some of us, looking at ourselves in the mirror is a difficult experience.Why is this? II. Perhaps we do not see who really is there; we do not understand ourselves well enough to appreciate who we are. III. Who...
by Paul Syltie | Jul 27, 2021
Who Am I? This very simple question has profound implications, since it asks us to define who we are at the most basic levels: where we came from, why we are here, and what our future holds. Our basic composition is body, mind, and spirit. I Thessalonians 5:23. “And...
by Paul Syltie | Jun 21, 2021
How DO You Know You Are Among God’s Chosen? A Study Outline I. How do we know who are saints? There is only one criterion: God’s Holy Spirit must be within the person. A. II Corinthians 13:5. Jesus Christ is in you expect you be reprobates. B. Romans...
by Paul Syltie | May 20, 2021
Know Yourself! Do We Understand Who We Really Are? The title above is rather disarming, in the sense that “Of course, I know who I am!” We are physical beings living on this earth, existing upon the fruit of the soils to grow and metabolize as any sentient...
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