(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com
Christ’s Return Imminent

Christ’s Return Imminent

The Plan of God in This Eon How Close Are We to the Return of Jesus Christ?   This is a message of hope and encouragement, to show how history and prophesy play out to bring about a renewal of Eden here upon the earth. God designed the most perfect and wonderful...
Christ a Prophet King Priest?

Christ a Prophet King Priest?

Was Jesus Christ a Prophet, King, and Priest While He Was Flesh and Blood?   Jesus was a Prophet. We all know that Jesus Christ was a prophet [prophates, “a divinely commissioned or inspired person, a person gifted for the exposition of divine truth, a foreteller...
New World Vision

New World Vision

Vision of a New World A Study Outline   I. It is extremely important that we all have a vision of the future age … not just a vision, but an accurate vision: if you don’t, Scripture says you will perish.      A. Proverbs 29:18. “Where there is no vision,...