(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com
Ezra and Nehemiah Metaphors

Ezra and Nehemiah Metaphors

A Metaphorical Walk Through Ezra and Nehemiah   What Does the Rebuilding of the Temple Tell Us About Our Spiritual Walk?   The destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian army under Nebuchadnezzar in 606 B.C. left the nation in shambles. The Judahites and...
Are We Living in the Last Days?

Are We Living in the Last Days?

Are We Living in the Last Days?   II Timothy 3 Has a Lot to Say About This Critical Issue   We all, as God’s people, want to know where we sit on the time-line of prophecy, how soon will be the return of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of His elect to...
Where Are We in Prophecy?

Where Are We in Prophecy?

   Where Are We in Prophecy?  It May Be Later Than You Think! (Summary At the End of the Article)   “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36). We live in a world that is chaotic and confused. It...
End Time Events Summary

End Time Events Summary

Key to A Summary of End-Time Events   (1)  The United States becomes a more integral part of Babylon, the fourth Beast of Daniel 7:7, dreadful, terrible, exceedingly strong, with iron teeth and ten horns.  This is the “world government” under the auspices of the...
Meaning Come Out Of Babylon

Meaning Come Out Of Babylon

What Dose It Mean, “Come Out of Babylon”? A study Outline I. God commands the ecclesia to “Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4). What dose it mean to...