(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com
The Culture of Death

The Culture of Death

The Culture of Death in Which We Live A Study Outline   I. God’s way is life, but the Adversary’s way is death!   A. Jesus Christ is the door by which we may enter into, life and be saved; we “shall go in and out, and find pasture”. However, the thief...
Man’s Destiny – To Become God Like Jesus Christ

Man’s Destiny – To Become God Like Jesus Christ

Man’s Destinyto Become God Like Jesus Christ by Paul W. Syltie, Ph.D. CONSIDER THESE CITATIONS FROM GOD’S WORD: “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God? Therefore the world does not know us, because it did...
How Can Sin Be passed Down

How Can Sin Be passed Down

How Can Sin Be Passed Down? A Study in Epigenetics   Have you ever wondered how Adam’s sin could be passed down to all of, humankind since that tragic event about 6,000 years ago? We read in Genesis 2:15-17 that God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden and told him...
What is Your Future

What is Your Future

What Is Your Future … to Become God? Does Scripture Teach That Christians Will Become God As He Is God? What will become of you once you die a physical death? Will you simply die, decay, and return to the elements of the earth, with no hope of an illustrious future?...
Whom Do We Fear

Whom Do We Fear

Whom Do We Fear, God or Men? We Can Do Good for the Wrong Reason, to Be Seen of Men Rather Than By God!   I. We see all through Scripture that we, as Christians, are to serve the Eternal Living God with every fiber of our being.   A. Matthew 22:36-40....