(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com
The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit …Its Power and Works A Study Outline   I. To understand the spirit of God is to understand a very complex topic, because the spirit is not seen, though it can be sensed, especially by those who possess His spirit. II. Just what is the...
One God Fallacy

One God Fallacy

A Closer Look At the “One God” Deception   As a part of the elect of this age, I have found highly intriguing the various arguments put forth for a single God entity in the “One God” seminars and writings. It is time to expose some myths of this idea, because it...
Resurrections of the Dead

Resurrections of the Dead

The Resurrections of the Dead A Study Outline   I. People are not immediately changed to living, active spirit at death, even if they have God’s Spirit. A. True, the real essence of man — a spirit (see Philippians 1:23; etc.) — goes back to God at death...
Faith of Abraham

Faith of Abraham

The Faith of Abraham The Focus of Our Existence in Christ’s Footsteps What is faith? The word faith is used 247 times in the Bible, and in all but 8 cases in the KJV the word comes from Strongs 4102, pistis, “conviction of the truth of anything; a belief or conviction...
The Laying on of Hands

The Laying on of Hands

Elders, Ordinations, and the Laying On of Hands What Is the Meaning of All This?   Is it possible that the time-worn institutions and beliefs of defining elders, ordaining people to positions of authority, and the laying on of hands are not fully understood by...