by Paul Syltie | May 20, 2021
God’s Laws Are Eternal! There are some people within Christendom who claim that the laws of God were somehow done away once Jesus was crucified, citing Colossians 2:14 as evidence. “… having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us,...
by Paul Syltie | Oct 21, 2020
Insights On Keeping the Holy Sabbath Day All true Christians know that the Sabbath is a day of rest commanded by the Eternal Living God. He makes the case clear in the Decalogue (Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15), and in many other places in Scripture, that...
by Paul Syltie | Oct 21, 2020
Baptism: What Is It, and What Is Required to Receive It? The issue of baptism for believers in Jesus Christ is an extremely serious one, for it is a means to receive the holy spirit, without which a person cannot receive eternal life. “But you are not in the flesh but...
by Paul Syltie | Sep 23, 2020
Did Jesus Christ Preexist? Does it really matter if Jesus Christ existed before His incarnation as a human being on the earth? Some will say it does not, but what do the Scriptures say about this most important topic? There are some critical issues that relate...
by Paul Syltie | Sep 23, 2020
Satan, the Demons, and Their Fate Our daily battle in this world, wherein we are wayfarers and strangers, is an intense one indeed. Beset on all sides by enemies, we rely on God’s power continually to help us overcome the great forces that would utterly destroy...
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