(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com
The Feast of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets Picturing the Coming of Christ as King of Kings!   The basic scriptures surrounding the Feast of Trumpets are relatively few and are located in Leviticus 23:23-25 Numbers 29:1-6. Yet, this day is momentous in the plan of God throughout the...
Mysterious Sabbath Verse –  Exodus 20:11

Mysterious Sabbath Verse – Exodus 20:11

That Mysterious Sabbath Verse — Exodus 20:11 By Paul W. Syltie, Ph.D. Perhaps I am overstepping my bounds by suggesting there is mystery to a verse most of us have read countless times. Exodus 20:11 is enigmatic for many of us — and was to me for most of my Christian...
How does Merchandising relate to Sin?

How does Merchandising relate to Sin?

Purity from Sin, Personal and National The Consequences of Merchandising … Satan’s Original Sin   We as Christians know well the necessity of casting out sin from our lives … sin, that nasty three-letter word that means “missing the mark” (Greek...
The Last Great Day

The Last Great Day

The Last Great DayProof That the Creator Cares for Every One of Us! A Study Outline I. Here we are at the conclusion of the Feast of Tabernacles, on this day called the Last Great Day. It is the last of the seven-Feast succession throughout the year that began shortly...
The Spring Feast – Incredible Lessons for All

The Spring Feast – Incredible Lessons for All

The Spring Feast: Incredible Lessons for All   I. Why do we observe these days? A. Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection are the most important events in all of human history. The Passover (and Christ is our Passover; * Corinthians. 5:7) is an annual review of...