by Paul Syltie | Jul 6, 2021
Our Trek Out of Sin We all know the story of Israel in Egypt, in a land identified for its sinfulness. We may not appreciate just how steeped in sin Egyptian society was. Egypt is equated with Sodom and Jerusalem, evil cities known for their sins throughout history...
by Paul Syltie | Jul 6, 2021
A Major Lesson of the Passover: We Must Suffer Along With Christ A Study Outline I. One thing is abundantly clear in this life, all of humanity, and all of creation suffer pain and discomfort regularly throughout our existence. “For we know that the whole...
by Paul Syltie | Jun 21, 2021
The Last Great Day Proof That the Creator Cares for Every One of Us! A Study Outline! I. Here we are at the conclusion of the Feast of Tabernacles, on this day called the Last Great Day. It is the last of the seven-Feast succession throughout the year that began...
by Paul Syltie | May 20, 2021
The Day of Atonement …a Closer Look Let us take a closer look at the meaning of the Day of Atonement, this wonderful day in God’s annual Holy Day season that shows us more perfectly the nature of His plan for mankind. First, we will start with the...
by Paul Syltie | Oct 23, 2020
The Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread Some facts and considerations * The entire seven-days of Unleavened Bread can be called the “Passover.” Ezekiel 45:21; John 13:1; Luke 22:1 * Outline of the days and their observance. Exodus 12:3-4; Exodus 23:15-18...
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