by Paul Syltie | Jul 16, 2020
The Government of God on Earth — a Review A Study Outline I. Mankind has for millennia longed for a renewal of Edenic Paradise on the earth, and has established communities of families to try and achieve this blissful existence. A. It is built into his very psyche to...
by Paul Syltie | Jun 7, 2020
Two Forms of Government On Earth From Liberty to Totalitarianism The spirit of brotherhood, or each looking upon others as better than oneself (Matthew 20:25-28; Luke 22:24-27; John13:2-15; 17:20-23; Romans 8:29; 12:10;Philippians 2:1-5; Ephesians 5:21; I Peter5:5)...
by Paul Syltie | Jun 7, 2020
What Form of Government Did God Design for Mankind? A Study Outline I. Man was never to rule over another person, but was meant to serve him. God is to be the loving head of all people He has created. A. We are to fear God, not men. Ps. 27:1; 56:4,...
by Paul Syltie | May 10, 2020
God’s Government for the Church Today The topic of government is a major one for God’s people because it defines their relationship to each other, to the Father, and to Jesus Christ. Government is defined in several ways, such as “the exercise of authority over a...
by Paul Syltie | Apr 28, 2020
Government in the Ecclesia The Foundation for Tomorrow’s World The world of today is in confusion more than ever before. So many people simply do not know what is right, and black has become white and white has become black in the minds and hearts of a society that...
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