(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com
Forgiveness Power Amazing!

Forgiveness Power Amazing!

The Amazing Power of Forgiveness   As we approach the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, we are reminded once again of the imperative need to look at ourselves, to examine ourselves, and to see whether or not we are truly “in the faith” (II Corinthians....
Fear God or Men?

Fear God or Men?

Whom Do We Fear, God or Men?  We Can Do Good for the Wrong Reason, to Be Seen of Men Rather Than By God!   I. We see all through Scripture that we, as Christians, are to serve the Eternal Living God with every fiber of our being. A. Matthew 22:36-40. “Master,...
Endure to the End

Endure to the End

We Must Endure to the End!   A rather startling statement is given in Matthew 24:13: “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” What can this short statement possibly mean, for it is filled with a rather chilling implication that if one does not endure to...
Elementary Principles of Christ

Elementary Principles of Christ

The Elementary, Bedrock Principles of Christ This Is the Essential “Milk” We Must Build Upon!   It is tempting to read Hebrews 5:12-14 to 6:1-3 and conclude that these six items, which Paul terms “elementary principles of Christ,” are rather unimportant because...
Christmas Avoid It

Christmas Avoid It

A Holiday Rooted in Paganism That Christians Must Avoid   Most people in the so-called Christian world observe the season of Christmas in some form. Few challenge that it is not a “Christian” observance, but go along with the masses that hardly blink an eye when...