(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com
What God Requires of Us

What God Requires of Us

What Does God Require of Us As His People? This title may seen rather trite for a Christian who has committed his or her entire life to serving the Creator, to one who has been given His spirit for a lifelong journey of fulfilling His ways. Why then even approach this...
Rejoice in Trials

Rejoice in Trials

Rejoice in Your Trials!   One of the hardest things we as Christians must face is the matter of trials. With trials come pain and suffering, and none of us enjoy pain. Our minds and bodies want to escape suffering, avoid the rough spots in the road, and ride...
Prayer Power Of

Prayer Power Of

  The Prevailing Power of Prayer A Study Outline   I. Prayer goes hand-in-hand with the admonition of God to continually seek after Him (Ex. 22:23; Deut. 4:7; I Chron. 28:9; II Chron. 7:13; Job 8:5; Ps. 9:10; Isa. 55:6; Jer. 29:12; Amos 5:4; Zeph. 2:3; Zech....
Poor and Contrite Spirit

Poor and Contrite Spirit

A Poor and Contrite Heart We Must Have It!   There is not one of us who does not crave to be close to our Creator, our “Daddy,” as it were, who made us in His image and loves us dearly. He is the one who called us out of this world of confusion and brought us...
Participate in the World Outlines

Participate in the World Outlines

How Should Christians Participate in This Present World? A Study Outline I. What is the condition of this present world? A. Paul called this time period an age subject to emptiness and decay. “For the creation was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but...