(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com
You Are a Germinating Seed

You Are a Germinating Seed

You Are a Germinating Seed Nurture This New Life So It Will Emerge Into the Light!   The Feast of Tabernacles pictures Jesus Christ ruling as King of Kings and Lord of Lords over all the earth, and with the saints ruling here on the earth with Him. What a...
We Must Endure to the End

We Must Endure to the End

We Must Endure to the End! Keep Moving Forward in the Faith Once Delivered   The signs all around us point to the imminent end of this present evil age. We see horrible earthquakes, such as those in Indonesia and Japan, radioactive contamination at Chernobyl,...
Forgiveness – A study outline

Forgiveness – A study outline

Forgiveness We Must Forgive That God Will Forgive Us A Study Outline   I. Forgiveness is a, most critical aspect of our day-to-day walk with God. A. Without forgiveness, we cannot be made pure and free from sin. B. It forms the avenue by which our lives are saved...
Headship at Three Levels

Headship at Three Levels

Pituitary Operations Headship At Three Levels Head= kephale, “head, in a real, figurative, metaphoric, or symbolic sense.” The head contains the brain and “master gland” that control the entire body. PinealHypothal-Pituitary gland. The hormones of the pituitary gland...
A New Look at “Headship”

A New Look at “Headship”

A New Look At “Headship”   I. To understand the proper relationship with our heavenly Father and to Jesus Christ, it is essential to understand the proper relationship in marriage between the husband and wife. A. The marriage of Christ to His wife, the Church...