(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com
Who Are the Wolves?

Who Are the Wolves?

Who Are the “Wolves” Described in the New Testament? We all know what wolves are, members of the dog family that are notorious for attacking and eating prey through relentless pursuit, be they deer, moose, bison, or caribou. They also catch smaller prey like hares and...
Come Out of Babylon

Come Out of Babylon

Come Out of Babylon, My People!   This message is being written in the United States of America, but it could originate from almost anywhere within the land of modern-day Anglo-Saxons: Canada, the British Isles, Germany, Scandinavia, Poland, Austria, Switzerland,...
The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Battle Belongs to the Lord!   We face many trials in today’s sin-saturated world, and it is very easy to become downhearted and depressed over how we can possibly survive. We need to realize just how marvelous a God we have who has purchased us from this...
Complacency the enemy within

Complacency the enemy within

Complacency … the Enemy Within Let It Not Gain a Foothold in Your Life!   We live in a world where ease and personal enjoyment are par for the course for so many. We Americans have been given such an abundance of things that it is easy for us to slip into...
We Must Be Doers of the Father’s Will

We Must Be Doers of the Father’s Will

We Must Be Doers of Our Father’s Will   To Be a Doer We Must Follow the Great Leader of All the Universe!   We know from Scripture that we are to be doers of God’s will — not hearers only — which is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who is the very...