(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com


Our Incredible Hope in a Hopeless World! What Should Motivate Us to a Positive Outlook On Life?   When we look around us each day it is so very easy to become dejected and demoralized by what we see and hear. The news media paints a continually negative view that...
hope is an Anchor

hope is an Anchor

Hope, An Anchor in Times of Trouble … and At All Times A Study Outline   I. It has been said that a person can live a month without food, a week without water, and five minutes without air … but he cannot live a moment without hope. II. God places a...
Healthful Living

Healthful Living

Healthful Living for People Young and Old A Workbook Guide for Healthier Living Based On God’s Word By Paul W. Syltie This is a workbook that you fill out as you go along. Look up the scriptures and write in the answers. Basic Beginnings What is man, and who designed...
God’s Protection in Difficult Times

God’s Protection in Difficult Times

God Will Protect His People Through Difficult Times A Study Outline I. Mankind has always lived in troublesome times. A. The root cause is Lucifer, the arch-enemy of the Father’s plan, who first tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:1-6, 14-19. B. Yet, “…...
Forsaking Sin – Our Prime Work

Forsaking Sin – Our Prime Work

Forsaking Sin — Our Prime Work A Study Outline I. Let us not mince words: removing sin and keeping it out of our lives is hard work! A. Exodus 13:17-22; 14:1-9. Israel was led away from sin toward the Promised Land. B. If Isreal had been led the easy way out of Egypt...