by Paul Syltie | Sep 15, 2020
The Biblical Pattern of Sabbath Fellowship The gathering of God’s elect on the Sabbath, Feast days, and other occasions are precious events, so critical for our regular uplift and encouragement to maintain spiritual focus within a world filled with so much...
by Paul Syltie | Sep 14, 2020
Sabbath Activities The Decalogue emphasizes what we should not do on the Sabbath day. Yet, as Christians, we need to understand what we ought to do to please our Creator, and it is to this end that the Scriptures point. The over-arching prime concept of...
by Paul Syltie | Sep 13, 2020
Prayer, the Lifeline to Our Creator A great portion of living involves communication — with family, friends, and others in our day-to-day living — and for this purpose our heavenly Father has given us a mouth, vocal cords, lungs, brain, ears, and all the equipment...
by Paul Syltie | Sep 13, 2020
Prayer … the Enduring Fulcrum of Daily Living for Believers A Study Outline I. Prayer is an essential part of our daily walk with God A. Definitions pray (Old Testament): na (4994), 195 times; “I pray, now or then” pelai (6419), 33 times; “judge,...
by Paul Syltie | Sep 9, 2020
Are Military Service and War Proper Activities for God’s People? At the time of this writing another war has erupted on earth, that of the United States against the Afghanistan Taliban regime, the militant Islamic sect that has imposed a repressive rule upon the...
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