(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com


What Form of Government Did God Design for Mankind?

A Study Outline

I. Man was never to rule over another person, but was meant to serve him. God is to be the loving

head of all people He has created.

A. We are to fear God, not men. Ps. 27:1; 56:4, 11; Isa. 31:3; Heb. 13:6.

B. Do not trust governmental leaders, but trust God only. Ps. 146:3-4; 118:8-9; Isa. 2:22.

C. Obey God rather than men. Acts 5:29; 4:19.

D. The consequences of resisting both God’s and Satan’s governmental systems is death. The

choice of which to obey is yours.

1. Satan’s way: See the article by Harry Browne. Jesus Christ provides the most vivid

example of someone who resisted Satan’s government in total: He was killed for

it through man’s (Satan’s) system … for Satan is the god of this world. II Cor. 4:4;

Eph. 2:2.

2. God’s way: The wages of sin is death (which is resisting God’s directives of lawful liv

ing: I John 3:4), but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Rom. 6:23.

Whomever you yield yourself as a servant to obey, you are a servant of that way,

either of sin to death or of obedience to righteousness. Rom. 6:16.

II. Our correct relationship with God is spelled out clearly in Scripture.

A. We are brothersin the Spirit of God. Rom. 8:29; Gal. 1:2,11.

brethren(80) = adelphos, a brother

B. We have a headshiprelationship with Christ, the Father, and the brethren. I Cor. 11:3; Philip.


head(2776) = kephale, the head

C. The greatest is the servant. Matt. 20:20-28.

D. The brethren have direct contact with the Father. Matt. 6:9.

E. Jesus Christ, now at the right hand of the Father in heaven, does not stand in the way of

direct communication to the Father, but expedites our relationship with Him. I Tim. 2:5;

Rom. 8:26-28.

F. We are to serve the brethren with our gifts of the Spirit. I Cor. 12:1 to end, especially verse

18 (gifts of the Spirit given to us are not our choice); I Peter 4:10 (the real definition of

God’s government: serve one another, and thus God Himself, with the gifts He gives


Note especially I Cor. 12:4 to 6. We all have different giftsbut the same Spirit. There

are diversities [varieties] of gifts, differences in administrations[ministries], and diversi

ties of operations, but the manifestations of this same Spirit are given to profit everyone.

gifts(5486) = charisma, gratuity, i.e. deliverance, endowment (religious qualifica

tion), miraculous faculty

administrations(1248) = diakonia, attendance (as a servant), aid, service

operations(1755) = energema, an effect (translated “operation” or “working”)

Thus, we all have a different Spiritual job to do assigned by God, designed to serve Him

and one another in the Body, and we are given the Spiritual energy by Him to do it!

G. When we serve one another in the Body of Christ we are really serving the Father! Matt.



III. Hierarchical governments led by kings and presidents are ungodly and Gentile in nature.

A. The Israelites rejected God when they rejected the judgeship of Samuel … the office

assigned by God Himself. I Sam. 8:1 to end; 9;1 to end; 10:1.

B. God desired a direct linkage between Him and His people, like He had with Moses, Samuel,

Abraham, and all the prophets with whom He spoke directly, and with the brethren

throughout mankind’s history. However, sin divided people from Him. Isa. 59:2.

C. Forms of government:

Gentile: SatanKingAdvisersLesser headsCitizens

God’s kingly system: GodProphetKingElders People

God’s Levitical system: GodProphet/JudgeEldersPeople

God’s perfect system:




Father ChristBrethren




D. The “captain” system advised by Jethro was not of God. Ex. 18 verses Num.11:16-17.

Paul W.Syltie