The Incredible Power of Music
Music is so pervasive amongst people and all creatures that we seldom give it a second thought. Walk outside in the countryside on a summer day and you are usually met by an array of songs from birds and insects. Even cows, horses, sheep, and chickens set up their own songs while communicating with one another. The wind whistling through the trees creates music of sorts, as does bubbling water over stones in a creek.
Within the race of mankind, music has always been an integral part of daily life. One expert on music, Elena Mannes, stated that,
“Science all but confirms that humans are hard-wired to respond to music …. Music uses more parts of the brain … than any other functions that we perform [which] relates to why music has so much potential to change the brain and affect the way your brain works Many musicians have an instinctive understanding of how musical sound interacts with our bodies. They know — they feel — that sound impacts our bodies in a way no other art does.” (1)
Sound enters our ears and is perceived in the brain, but these waves literally penetrate the entire human body, evenfor infants, and even the pre-born!. Thomas Verny in The Secret Life of the Unborn Child quoted Boris Brott, conductor of the Hamilton, Ontario, Philharmonic Symphony, who claimed music had been a part of himself since before birth. How could that be? He stated,
“Well, as a young man, I was mystified by the unusual ability I had — to play certain pieces sight-unseen. I’d be conducting a score for the first time, and suddenly the cello line would jump out at me. I’d know the flow of the piece even before I turned the page of the score. One day I mentioned this to my mother, who is a professional cellist. I thought she’d be intrigued because it was always the cello line that was so distinct in my mind. She was, but when she heard what the pieces were, the mystery quickly solved itself. All the scores I knew sight-unseen were ones she had played while she was pregnant with me.” (2)
The Pervasiveness of Music
Music is so pervasive throughout human culture that every society on earth has never lacked music. Whether one is speaking of ancient tribes stretching animal skins over three stumps to make drums, or carving hollow bones to make flutes; bands or ensembles to play at weddings, funerals, or parties, or sending troops off to war; mothers rocking their children to sleep with a lullaby; or students studying with background music, all societies everywhere have music as an integral part of their daily routine.
As one author stated, “As for us humans, music remains fundamental and central in every culture, and so we humans are a musical species no less than a linguistic one.” Because of this intrinsic power of music in people’s lives, variations on compositions have been written and performed to influence people’s thoughts and actions in academics, athletics, military combat, marketing, and religion. Note, for instance, the following quotes from various authors and personalities. (4)
“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” — Albert Einstein
“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” — Albert Schweitzer
“Music is the shorthand of emotion.” — Leo Tolstoy
“If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.” — Charles Darwin
“Where words fail, music speaks.” — Hans Christian Anderson
“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” — Aldous Huxley
“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” — Con- fucius
“Music is … a higher revelation than all Wisdom and Philosophy.” — Ludwig van Beethoven
“Music … will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“Musical innovation is full of danger to the State, for when modes of music change, the fundamental laws ofthe State always change with them.” — Plato
“Music is what tells us that the human race is greater than we realize.” — Napoleon Bonaparte
“Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.” — JohannSebastian Bach
“If music be the food of love, play on.” — William Shakespeare.
Dictators such as Adolph Hitler understood the importance of music to foment the desired aggressive militarism of countries like Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. The urge to march to the beat of “Alta Kameraden” can hardly be suppressed. Likewise, new recruits to basic training are taught to sing as they march, to build esprit de corps and dull the pain of sore feet and shoulders,
Communism and other social movements have their songs as well. The Internationale, a song concocted in France in the late 1880s, glorified the socialist state, such as noted below.
“Arise ye workers from your slumbers, Arise ye prisoners of want,
For reason in revolt now slumber And at last ends the age of can’t ….
No savior from on high delivers, No faith have we in prince or peer;
Our own right hand the chains must shiver,
Chains of hatred, greed, and fear…. ” (5)
Notice how the message reeks of humanism, that no God will help them in the struggle to throw off oppression; they themselves, the masters who are victims of oppression, must unite and cast off the chains that bind them. This message set to music, repeated over and over, convinced many a citizen of France and Russia — and elsewhere — to join forces with the Communist wave that reared its ugly head over multiple millions of unsuspecting, gullible citizens in those nations.
In the modern age, music has made remarkably rapid turns towards humanistic godlessness and self-consuming narcissism, with the entry of several music genres: rock and roll, rap, heavy metal, punk, pop, and others. Allan Bloom inhis book The Closing of the American Mind made clear what the objective of these various new musical innovations is about.
“Rock music has one appeal only, a barbaric appeal to sexual desire — not love, not eros, but sexual desire undeveloped and untutored. It acknowledges the first emanations of children’s emerging sensuality and addresses them seriously, eliciting them and legitimatizing them, not as little sprouts that must be carefully tended to in order to grow into gorgeous flowers, but as the real thing. Rock gives children, on a silver platter, with all the authority of the entertainment industry, everything their parents always used to tell them they had to wait for until they grew up and would understand later.
“The inevitable corollary of such sexual interest is rebellion against the parental authority that represses it. Selfishness thus becomes indignation and then transforms itself into morality. The sexual revolution must overthrow all the forces of domination, the enemies of nature and happiness. From love comes hate, masquerading as social reform. A worldview is balanced on the sexual fulcrum. What were once unconscious or half-conscious childish resentments become the new Scripture.” (6)
The teenage rock music enthusiast Michael Brown, who from age 15 to 17 dove headlong into the abyss of this musical genre but miraculously came out of it and became a Christian, asked these questions:7
1. Did rock music help introduce drugs to American young people?
2. Did rock music help introduce sexual promiscuity to American young people?
3. Did rock music help introduce Eastern religion to American young people? (7)
The answer to all of these questions is a resounding “yes,” and the influence of this music has been deepening and growing even bolder amidst a society that has become in undated with this swill going on three generations. This effect to turn youth into “… devil worshippers, to stimulate self expression through sex, to provoke lawlessness, impair nervous stability, and destroy the sanctity of marriage” (8) has now become so embedded within modern culture that the physical, mental, and spiritual health of the younger generation has become severely compromised … not forgetting the effects of Iphones, economics, ease of travel, and other factors. Together, these negative influences on families and individuals can be documented in many ways, such as the following.
- 25% of parents in the U.S. are not married. There are 51 million households headed by unmarried Americans, or about 44% of all house- holds; this number continues to More than 50% of Americans cohabited before marriage. (9)
- 40% of all births are to unmarried mothers, a number that is growing. (10)
- Cohabitation before marriage results in … (11)
… greater stress than in marriage.
… only a 50% chance of ever getting married.
… a greater chance for divorce in the first five years of cohabitation.
… a five-times greater rate of separation.
… a greater chance for infidelity.
… a poor relationship quality: more violence and fighting, with less happiness.
… less income as they grow older.
… more drug abuse and depression.
- Effects of rock and heavy metal music on children’s lives are many and 12 “In 1989 the American Medical Association released a report which concluded that music is a greater influence in the life of a teenager than television. Those involved in the rock culture were more likely to be low achievers, involved in drugs, sexually active, and involved in satanic activities. A fascination with heavy metal music was an indicator of adolescent alienation and possible emotional health problems. A report by Free Congress [Research and Education Foundation] concludes that ‘heavy metal and rap music today contains an element of hatred and abuse of women of a degree never seen before.’ In addition to extraordinary sexism, the music contains equally offensive racism, blasphemy, and bigotry. Large numbers of disturbed adolescents with low self-worth draw inspiration from heavy metal music because it makes them feel powerful and in charge. Providing simple answers to complex problems, it gives them a source of authority for what they feel and do. Attitudes and behaviors reinforced by heavy metal music are aggressive rebellion, abuse of drugs and alcohol, graphic violence and suicide, fascination with the occult, and sexuality that is graphic and explicit.”
This hugely significant effect of rock, rap, heavy metal, and other modern music genres on the decline in people’s emotional and spiritual health, success in marriage, and ties to drug usage, academic success and preparation for a useful, abundant life points to the incredible power that music has on people. Remember, people are musical entities, designed to send and receive music. None of us can live without it, and we are indelibly affected by it.
How Music Works Within Our Bodies
With the knowledge that music in its various genres has such dramatic effects on the human body, the most logical question is, how can this be? How can a series of musical notes strung together in a certain way with a particular beat and intensity affect a person as it does? The answers have been long in coming, but they are becoming available … and they are indeed astounding! We must look at how these sound frequencies affect our genetic code.
One of the first scientists to speculate on the effect of music on the genetic code was Susumu Ohno, a geneticist from the Beckman Research Institute in Duarte, California, who developed a system of setting genes to music — or music to genes. He set the SARC oncogene, a gene causing cancer in both chickens and humans, to music and found it produced a sound much like Chopin’s Funeral March. On the other hand, a gene that produces phospho-glycerate kinase, an enzyme that breaks down glucose, revealed itself as a lullaby. (13)
Dr. Ohno believes that the structure of music parallels that of the genes, so by assigning notes on the musical scaleaccording to molecular weights he can develop patterns that produce melodies. Some musicians have carried this method further to de- velop literal symphonies based on our DNA. Stuart Mitchell has initiated The Human Genome MusicProject,14 which is “the pure and real-time translation of our human genome” into orchestral likenesses. He has concentrated on chromosomes 1 and 11 to date, which give quite different but beautiful, soothing melodies.
It has been learned that certain specific sound frequencies will influence DNA. For instance, 528 Hz will healdamaged DNA. This frequency has the ability to create what is termed “clustered water,” a particular ring configuration of water molecules which flow easily through cell membranes and enables more efficient removal of cell toxins; larger, aggregated bound water does not flow as easily through cell membranes. Clustered water hydrates DNA more effectively than bound water, since the hexagonal, crystal-shaped clusters prevent the DNA from failing energetically due to their support of the double-helix at a 528 Hz resonant frequency. If genes can be switched on and off due to specific sound frequencies, then it is quite certain that DNA can be affected by sound, and the ultimate activity of DNA, which is to generate enzymes which are the biological catalysts of living systems. (15)
Besides frequencies such as 528 Hz which heal DNA, some frequencies are known to damage it, or cause unnatural expressions of a multitude of genes. The adoption of A = 440 Hz as the international standard for tuning, rather than A = 432 Hz, which was the musical standard for centuries, is one example of how mankind has corrupted the God- given frequencies that maximize life and vitality. The British Standards Institute in 1939 adopted the A = 440 Hz standard, which was promoted by certain NAZI scientists in the 1930s to encourage a more aggressive behavior of the populace.By contrast, the A = 432 Hz standard, which is intrinsic with the creation, is soothing and “bio-friendly,” and is considered energy-enhancing and healing. Interestingly, the sun’s diameter is 864,000 miles (432 x 2 x 1,000), the moon’s diameteris 2,160 miles (432 x 5) and the precession of the earth’s equinoxes is 25,920 years (432 x 60). Note that English miles are used in these calculations, not kilometers as used in the Metric System.
Ernst Chladni, the god father of cymatics and leading acoustician in Beethoven’s time, stated in his textbook that the note C is defined as 256/512 hz; the A above this C is 432 Hz. We see that 432 squared equals 186,624, which is nearly identical to the speed of light in miles per second. Thus, A = 432 Hz harmonizes with light that enters our eyes and affects an incredible number of physiological processes throughout the creation. On the contrary, A = 440 Hz tuning produces discordant or agitating effects on our DNA due to its sound-light translation mechanism.
In the late 1980s, biologist David Deamer and composer Susan Alexjander sought to determine the frequencies of our DNA bases adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) using infrared absorption spectrophotometry. The frequencies were then arranged into musical compositions through a synthesizer using certain conversiontechniques. They discovered that each of the DNA bases possesses a specific frequency: 545.6 Hz, 550.0 Hz, 543.4 Hz, and 547.8 Hz for A, G, C, and T, respectively, the average being 544.2 Hz. The bio-friendly A = 432 Hz isthus shown to be virtually identical to the C = 544.2 Hz of our DNA in the “cosmic key- board,” as it were!
These frequencies are used by practitioners of sound therapy, wherein a sound frequency is presented to the body, and healing is initiated as a result … even if the exact octave is not reached, since harmonics will cause the correct frequency to be presented to the DNA. (16)
“The law of harmonic resonance means that you will immediately affect light/matter on many octaves of the same note simultaneously. Because sound (vibration) organizes light/matter into form, it is potentially the mostpotent tool in a healer’s arsenal. Sound does strange and exotic things other tools cannot. ‘Junk’ DNA, for example, responds to sound; codons can be turned on and off using acoustic vibrations, and our cell membranes have antennae that detect sound vibrations and can pass these into the cellular matrix.”
These “primary cilium” on cell membranes are antennae that read vibrational energy fields and act like tiny tuning forks. If a frequency from music, for instance, energizes the cilia, then the message of that frequency or rhythm is transmitted through the cell membrane and into the cell, affecting enzymes and the DNA code itself! (17)
The guitarist Brandon Murphy made the observation that “At A = 444 I can feel the resonance almost on a cellular level — the vibrations go right through me, and the guitar feels almost like a part of me. The tone is beautiful and bright, highly resonant. This is not the case when I use 440 Hz (standard Western tuning).” (18)
Furthering the knowledge that music directly affects cellular DNA, a study of human blood components as affected by classical music was conducted at the University of Helsinki, and published in 2015. While acknowledging that scientists have long known that listening to classical and certain other types of music reduces blood pressure, increases dopamine release, and improves muscle function — clearly improving brain function — reasons for these changes at the molecular level were not understood, so these scientists selected two groups of people, one that was experienced with classical and the other that was not. They took blood samples before and after listening to Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 3 in G Major and analyzed for specific genetic markers. The results were quite astounding!
“In musically experienced participants, we observed the differential expression of 45 genes (27 up- and 18 down-regulated) and 97 genes (76 up- and 22 down-regulated) respectively based on sub phenotype comparisons. Gene ontological overrepresentation analysis revealed that the up regulated genes are primarily known to be involved in the secretion and transport of dopamine, neuron projection, protein sumoylation, long-term potentiation, and dephospho rylation. Down-regulated genes are known to be involved in ATP synthase-coupled proton transport, cytolysis, and positive regulation of capsize, peptidase, and endopeptidase activities. One of the most up-regulated genes, alpha synuclein (SNCA), is located in the best linkage region of musical aptitude on chromosome 4q22.1 and is regulated by GATA2, which is known to be associated with musical aptitude. Several genes reported to regulate song perception and production in songbirds displayed altered activities ” (19)
Music does indeed directly affect a person’s DNA, triggering genes to generate beneficial components for the blood … and we know that “. the life is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11; Deuteronomy 12:23). At least these benefits to the blood apply to classical music and similar types. For the experienced listener, the blood showed increased expression of the glucocorticoid receptor, which regulates stress, depression, and addictive behaviors, and it also inhibited dopamine reuptake, which meant the brain retained higher levels in its reward center. As one of the study authors explained, “Listening to classical music enhanced the activity of genes that are mainly related to reward and pleasure, cognitive functions, and proper brain functions.” (20)
It would be most interesting to study the effect on the blood of rock, rap, and heavy metal music. Would it not beplausible to expect an increase in the levels of components that intensify stress, depression, and anti-social behavior due to reduced dopamine concentrations?
A recent study performed at the Simmons Foundation revealed that DNA flows inside acell’s nucleus in a “choreographed line dance,” explaining how nucleic acids move within cells. This movement likely plays a role in gene expression and replication. 21 The chromosomes with their genes are anything but static, and coupled with the knowledge that cells are covered by frequency-sensing cilia, the interaction of the DNA on genes with music gives rise to the vision of our very cells dancing within themselves to the beat of our favorite tunes!
God’s Revelations On Music
If science and common sense can revel that music plays a critical role in human existence — indeed is built into our very genetics— surely God in Scripture ought to revel the value of music for us as Christians. Such is indeed the case! Throughout the Bible we read of music being used as an integral part of daily life within the first Temple, and also for God’s people in daily living throughout history.
Much of Scripture is actually written to be sung: the Psalms, Song of Solomon, and certain other parts. Let us examine some of the occurrences of singing in God’s word.
1. The Psalms were all written to be sung, and each had a distinct (Would it not be really nice to reproduce these melodies?)
2. The Song of Solomon is also a song, as the title to the book indicates.
3. The ancient Israelites in the First Temple period had many musicians for Temple service. Note I Chronicles 6:31-32, 15:16-22, and 23:5. They had harps, stringed instruments, cymbals, and voices praising God, 4,000 of them using musical instruments!
4. Music was used to drive away evil spirits, as David’s harp-playing did for Saul (I Samuel16:14-23).
“And so it was, whenever the spirit from God was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him” (I Samuel 16:23).
5. Music was part of the prophets’ lifestyle in the days of Samuel and Elisha, and certainly at other times throughout Israel’s In I Samuel 10:5- 12, God’s spirit overtook Saul so he prophesied along with other prophets while music was being played, and in II Kings 3:14-19 Elisha requested that music be played while be prophesied against the Moabites.
6. Many of the prophets sang at least part of their prophetic messages, such as Isaiah (Isaiah 5:1), and many of the prophetic writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Joes, Amos, and others were also likely sung. The word prophet in Hebrew is nabiy, meaning “to speak, call, or sing.”
7. The entire world is called to “sing to the Lord a new song” (Psalm 96:1), not speak or write it, but sing it! This new song is about “the good news of His salvation,” and “His glory among the nations,” and “His wonders among the people” (Psalm 96:2-3).
8. The angels and elders that surround the Father’s throne sing a new song (Revelation 5:9), as do the creatures in heaven sing to the Father, the elders, and the four living creatures … a song that no one could learn except the 144,000 who were redeemed from the earth (Revelation 14:1-3).
9. Zion, the city of the Great King, was known for its songs, even by gentile nations that surrounded Israel (Psalm 137:1-3).
10. Immediately after Israel was saved from slavery in Egypt by crossing the Red Sea, with the utter destruction of the Egyptian army, the nation sang a song to Yahweh.
“I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea! The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; myfather’s God, and I will exalt Him…” (Exodus 15:1-2).
11. After Yahweh delivered Deborah and Barak from Jabin, king of Canaan, they sang a song of praise to the Lord throughout Judges 5. That song concludes in verse 31,
“Thus let all Your enemies perish, O Lord! But let those that love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength.”
12. We are encouraged by the Eternal to praise Him with all sorts of musical instruments: the trumpet, lute, harp,timbrel, stringed instruments, flutes, loud cymbals, and clashing cymbals (Psalm 150:3- 5; see also Psalm 98:4-6).
13. Even inanimate things like the earth, mountains, hills, and rivers are called upon to “sing joyfully to the Lord!” So are the trees! Everything, living or inanimate, is to praise the Eternal with songs.
“Let the sea roar, and all its fulness, the world and those who dwell in it; let the rivers clap their hands; let the hills be joyfully together before the Lord …” ( In Psalm 98:7-8).
“For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands” (Isaiah 55:12).
14. When Jesus Christ returns to establish His Kingdom upon the earth, those returning to Israel will be shoutingand singing as never before!
“And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads.They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (Isaiah 35:10, repeated in Isaiah51:11 and elsewhere in Isaiah).
The First Century church was given specific directions to emphasize music in fellowship, daily living, and in good times or evil times.
1. After the last Passover before the crucifixion, Jesus and the disciples sang [psallo, “tosing praises”] a hymn before they walked to the Mount of Olives (Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26).
2. After Paul and Silas had been thrown into prison in Philippi after Paul had cast out a spirit from a girl, “… at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.” There was a great earthquake, the prison doors were opened, everyone’s chains were loosed, and the jailer was about to kill himself when Paul told him the prisoners were all present. The jailer, amazed and repentant, took Paul and Silas to his home where their wounds were treated, they all were baptized, and Paul, Silas, and the jailor returned to the jail (Acts 16:16-34). What great power music played in these events!
3. Paul in I Corinthians 14:15, tells us to pray with the spirit and with understanding, and sing with the spirit and understanding.
4. Paul in Ephesians 5:18-20 admonishes us to speak to one another in songs.
“And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the spirit, speaking to one another in psalms [psalmos, “a sacred song, psalm”] and hymns [hymnos, “a song of praise to God”] and spiritual songs [ode, “an ode, song, hymn”], singing [ado, “to sing”] and making melody [psallo] in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ”
5. Once again Paul, in Colossians 3:16, tells the brethren to teach and admonish one another in Christ’s name by music.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching [didasko, “to teach or speak in a public assembly”] and admonishing [noutheteo], “to put to mind, to admonish, to warn”] one another in psalms [psalmos] and hymns [hymnos] and spiritual songs [ode], singing [ado] with grace in your hearts to the lord.”
6. Then in James 5:13, James tells the brethren to pray if they are suffering, but to sing praises [psallo] if they are cheerful.
The Right Type of Music
It is abundantly clear that music in both the Old and New Testament periods was greatly encouraged for God’s nation Israel, as well as for the early ecclesia in the First Century A.D. The power that accompanies music is manifest throughout the scriptures … but what type of music is to be used by the people of God?
The Creator built into the body of man the ability and proclivity to sing, as was noted earlier in this paper. This ability was designed to praise the Creator and encourage others through vocalization. The first mention of musical instruments is in Genesis 4:21, where Jubal was “… the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.” However, we read in Ezekiel 28:13 of Lucifer who, on the day he was created [bara, more accurately translated in this instance selected], had a workmanship [melakah, “work, duty, service] of timbrels and pipes. This scripture predates Genesis 4, as does Job 38:6-7, where it says, “… on what were its [the earth’s] foundations laid, or who set its core in place,while the morning stars [spirits of God] sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”
The first mention of music after the Deluge is when Laban talked to Jacob concerning his fleeing away secretly, rather than being sent away with “… mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp” (Genesis 31:27). These scriptures imply that music and musical instruments were an integral part of life in ancient civilization, at least within a few generations after Adam and Eve’s creation. It is hard to imagine that Adam and Eve did not sing praises to their Creator as well in the Garden of Eden.
The musical instruments mentioned in Scripture are as follows (one citation is given for each).
Horn [kehren], or ram’s horn, sometimes translated as cornet (Joshua 6:5)
Trumpet [shophar], or curved horn (Zechariah 9:14- 15), used in worship
Straight trumpet [khatsotseraw], likely a “straight” horn of some sort (Numbers 10:1-2, 9-10
Silver trumpet [yabale], a silver trumpet used as a warning (Joshua 6:5)
Flute [mashrokee], a flute (Daniel 3:5)
Cornet [tawkah], probably a cornet (Ezekiel 7:14)
Organ [ooggawb], a pipe instruments that uses a reed (Job 21:12)
Dulcimer [seefonehyaw], a bag-pipe with two reeds (Daniel 3:5, 10)
Tabret or timbrel [tof], tightened skin over a hoop (Genesis 31:27)
Sistrum [menahah], a device making a rattling sound (II Samuel 6:5)
Tinklers [metsayleth], a double cymbal (I Chronicles 13:8)
Triangle or dance [shalosh], a triangle (I Samuel 18:6)
Cymbals [tselawtsal], cymbals as we know them (Psalm 150:5)
Bells [pahamone], bells worn by the priests and sometimes involved with music (Exodus 28:33- 35)
Drum or Tramourine [tawfaf], a drum, of various sorts (Psalm 68:25)
Gath [ghitteeth], a harp from Gath (Isaiah 16:10)
Harp [kinnore], a harp with three or more strings (I Kings 10:12)
Viol or lute [nehbel], a skin bag thought to be a lute or viol, usually made of six strings across a wooden body (Amos 5:3)
Sackbut [sabbekaw], likely a four-stringed instru- ments (Daniel 3:5)
Zither [awsore], a ten-stringed instrument, like a lyre (Psalm 33:2; 144:9)
Psaltery [pesantareen], a 12-stringed instrument made of fir wood, giving a soothing tone, of Greek origin (Daniel 3:7)
Lyre [keethawroce], sheep’s intestines stretched over a sounding board, or a bar (I Samuel 16:23)
Stringed instruments [keelee], a type of psaltery with fewer strings (I Chronicles 16:5)
Lute [machalath], an instrument with a long, flat neck andhollow body of wood, with the surface perforated with holes, rubbed to made music (Psalm 88:1-18)
Cultivate Right Music
Music is an incredibly powerful medium that is built into people who are made in Elohim’s image. He is created to produce it, and he is greatly influenced by it, for good or for evil.
This study has shown that music influences us to the very core of our being — the DNA within our chromosomes in every cell of our bodies. The tones, timbre, beat, and volume of music resonate with our cells and organs, giving healing and peace if exposed to many classical pieces, but causing anger and irritation if bombarded by rock, heavy metal, or rap music.
The words to the music are another matter, and they can be joyous and uplifting, or crass and depressive. We live at a time in which virtually any sort of musical genre — classical, rap, rock, country west- ern, hip-hop, calypso, and dozens of others — are available through the internet or retailers. The choices are easy to make, so we must be verycareful how we choose.
We as Christians need to carefully choose to listen to and sing songs that build us up into the nature of our Creator, songs filled with the truth of His word such as the Psalms, or songs that reflect those cherished verses. They will build us up more and more into the image of our Maker.
“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ …” (Ephesians 4:11-13).
We must be concerned about both the music and the words. Rock or rap music set to Godly words is an abomination to the Creator — a pollution of His truth — but we hear that combination so often nowadays on the airwaves and on CDs. We have seen what damage rock andmetal music do to our DNA and to our attitudes. They certainly do not glorify our Creator in heaven, who is the Giver of abundant life (John 10:10), and who exudes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22).
Let us appreciate the incredible power of music, and utilize it to build up our spouses, our children, our brethren, and our friends, and in the process glorify our Creator. Expecially may we express our love to our great God by singing uplifting hymns during fellowship, and during the week let us sing joyful songs while we work, if not out loud then in our minds and hearts. Let us praise the Eternal with a song, for who knows; maybe the “pure tongue” (Zephaniah 3:9) of the next age will be a language that is sung!
- Elena Mannes, Talk of the Nation, The power of music to affect the brain, NPR, June 1, 2011,npr.org/2011/06/01/136859090/the-power-of- music-to-affect-the-brain.
- Thomas Verny and John Kelly, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, A Delta Book, New York, 1981, pages 22-23.
- Michael Brown, The Power of Music, Charisma House, Lake Mary, Florida, 2014, page
- 100 Famous and Inspirational Music Quotes, cmuse.org/100-famous-and-inspirational- music-quotes/.
- Parts of The Internationale, marxists.org.
- Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students. Simon and Schuster, New York, 2008, pages 73-74.
- See 3, pages 83 and 84.
- David Rogers, Rock ‘n Roll, Rutledge, New York,
- Gretchen Livingston, The changing profile of un- married parents, April 25, 2018, pensocial-trends.org/2018/04/25/ the-changing-profile-of- unmarried-parents/.
- CDC, Percentage of births to unmarried mothers by state (in 2017), cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/unmarried/unmarried.htm.
- Shiri Stritof, Essential cohabitation facts and sta- tistics, The Spruce, February 1, 2019, thes- pruce.com.
- Carol Wekesser (editor), Heavy metal rock and gangsta rap music promote violence, in Vinolence in the Media,Greenhaven Press, Farmington Hills, Michigan,
- Anonymous, Scientist tunes in to gene composi- tions, San Jose Mercury News, page E1, May 13,
- Stuart Mitchell, The Human Genome Music Proj- ect — 2018, DNA Music International, stuart-mitchell.com/human_genome_music_project.htm.
- 528 hz frequency and your DNA, attuned- vibrations.com/528hz-dna-repair/.
- Branden, Murphy, 432 DNA tuning and the Nazi- ization of music, Global Freedom Movement,globalfreedommovement.org/432-dna-tuning- and-the-nazi-ization-of-music/.
- See 16.
- See 16.
- Chakravarthi Kanduri, al., The effect of listen- ing to music on human transcriptome, Pub Med 25789207, March12, 2015.
- Kate Beaudoin, New research shows listening to music actually alters your genes in surprising ways, Science Daily, March 16, 2015, mic.com/arti- cles/112898/an-incredible-study-just-proved-that-lis- tening-to-music-actually-affects-your-genes#.Hddris bKO.