(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com


Our Articles and Booklets arranged by subject categories for your viewing














Articles of Interest shown by Category

Cultivating a Godly Mind in a Godless Age
Cultivating a Godly Mind in a Godless Age
Blessings of Illness
Blessings of Illness
Ezra and Nehemiah Metaphors
Ezra and Nehemiah Metaphors
What Should We Think About
What Should We Think About
God’s Economic System
God’s Economic System
The World Before Adam
The World Before Adam
Cast Off Traditions
Cast Off Traditions
Are We Living in the Last Days?
Are We Living in the Last Days?
Agape Love and the Sabbath
Agape Love and the Sabbath
Marriage Ceremony Guideline
Marriage Ceremony Guideline
Hate the World
Hate the World
Satan and the City
Satan and the City
The Devil’s Kingdom
The Devil’s Kingdom
Expansiveness of God’s Love
Expansiveness of God’s Love
Start Small End Big
Start Small End Big
All Things Work Together for Good
All Things Work Together for Good
Jesus Birth & Death
Jesus Birth & Death
The Entropy of Mankind
The Entropy of Mankind
You Are Wanted!
You Are Wanted!
Healing a Broken Spirit
Healing a Broken Spirit
Sabbath No Work
Sabbath No Work
All Things Work Together for Good
All Things Work Together for Good
Obedience to Government
Obedience to Government
What Our Body Tells Us About God
What Our Body Tells Us About God
Try Something New – New Experiences. A Key to Abundant Living
Try Something New – New Experiences. A Key to Abundant Living
The Birth, Ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Birth, Ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
View Your Trials As Blessings
View Your Trials As Blessings
The Ecological Principles of the Land
The Ecological Principles of the Land
Getting Old: How Should We View It and Do It?
Getting Old: How Should We View It and Do It?
Where Are We in Prophecy?
Where Are We in Prophecy?
Who Is The Angel
Who Is The Angel
What God Expects Of Us
What God Expects Of Us
We Will Be Judged!
We Will Be Judged!
View As Spirits
View As Spirits
Shemitah — the Forgotten Sabbath
Shemitah — the Forgotten Sabbath
Revelations of a Seasoned Rockhound
Revelations of a Seasoned Rockhound
Opposites We Are
Opposites We Are
Understanding Who We Really Are
Understanding Who We Really Are
How to Study the Bible
How to Study the Bible
Trumpets Overview
Trumpets Overview
Timescale of History
Timescale of History
the Soil-Mind Connection
the Soil-Mind Connection
Sabbath Fellowship Guidelines
Sabbath Fellowship Guidelines
Passover Plan Diagram Page 2
Passover Plan Diagram Page 2
Passover Plan Diagram Page 1
Passover Plan Diagram Page 1
Music Power
Music Power
Kingdom of God
Kingdom of God
Holy Day Scheme and Marriage
Holy Day Scheme and Marriage
Holy Day Scheme
Holy Day Scheme
Holy Day Chart
Holy Day Chart
End Time Events Summary
End Time Events Summary
Eden to Eden Jubilee Cycles
Eden to Eden Jubilee Cycles
Calling and Life
Calling and Life
Your Incredible Future as God
Your Incredible Future as God
Who in the Mirror Outline
Who in the Mirror Outline
Who Am I?
Who Am I?
What God Requires of Us
What God Requires of Us
Unleavened Bread Last Day Outline
Unleavened Bread Last Day Outline
Sin What Is It
Sin What Is It
Saved by Works
Saved by Works
Salvation Unconditional
Salvation Unconditional
Sacred Names Botkin
Sacred Names Botkin
Sabbath Comments
Sabbath Comments
Sabbath Fellowship Biblical Pattern
Sabbath Fellowship Biblical Pattern
Sabbath Done Away Outline
Sabbath Done Away Outline
Rejoice in Trials
Rejoice in Trials
Reinstitution of Eden
Reinstitution of Eden
Prayer Power Of
Prayer Power Of
Poor and Contrite Spirit
Poor and Contrite Spirit
Pentecost Overview
Pentecost Overview
Pentecost Outline
Pentecost Outline
Pentecost Meaning
Pentecost Meaning
Pentecost Important
Pentecost Important
Passover Scenario
Passover Scenario
Our Incredible Hope
Our Incredible Hope
Passover Unleavened Bread Least Day
Passover Unleavened Bread Least Day
Passover and Unleavened Bread
Passover and Unleavened Bread
Participate in the World Outlines
Participate in the World Outlines
Passover Trek Out of Sin
Passover Trek Out of Sin
Passover Shows Suffering
Passover Shows Suffering
New Moon Observation
New Moon Observation
Millennial Reign of Christ
Millennial Reign of Christ
Meaning Come Out Of Babylon
Meaning Come Out Of Babylon
God’s Angels Demons
God’s Angels Demons
Lucifers First Sin
Lucifers First Sin
Last Great Day Proof of Care
Last Great Day Proof of Care
Knowing you are Chosen
Knowing you are Chosen
Knowing Our Elder Brother
Knowing Our Elder Brother
What is Godly Music?
What is Godly Music?
Know Yourself
Know Yourself
How Real Is God?
How Real Is God?
Headship and Government
Headship and Government
God’s Names and Character
God’s Names and Character
God’s Laws Are Eternal
God’s Laws Are Eternal
Forgiveness Power Amazing!
Forgiveness Power Amazing!
Fear God or Men?
Fear God or Men?
Endure to the End
Endure to the End
Elementary Principles of Christ
Elementary Principles of Christ
Christmas Avoid It
Christmas Avoid It
Christ’s Return Imminent
Christ’s Return Imminent
Christ Really Like?
Christ Really Like?
Christ a Prophet King Priest?
Christ a Prophet King Priest?
Are You a Captive?
Are You a Captive?
Blood Importance
Blood Importance
Bible Study Method
Bible Study Method
Being a Light to the World
Being a Light to the World
The Day of Atonement …  a Closer Look
The Day of Atonement … a Closer Look
Passover Facts
Passover Facts
The Sabbath in not ALL of the Law
The Sabbath in not ALL of the Law
The Unseen Causes of War
The Unseen Causes of War
Sabbath Keeping Insights
Sabbath Keeping Insights
Our Responsibility to the Creation
Our Responsibility to the Creation
Prophecies of Revelation
Prophecies of Revelation
Baptism – What is it?
Baptism – What is it?
The Origins and Goals of Marxism
The Origins and Goals of Marxism
An Answer to a Jehovah’s Witness Disciple
An Answer to a Jehovah’s Witness Disciple
The Prophetic Timeline
The Prophetic Timeline
Depression – A Gift From God
Depression – A Gift From God
The Two Goats of Atonement
The Two Goats of Atonement
Leaving Sin Behind You
Leaving Sin Behind You
What Does God Expect of Us?
What Does God Expect of Us?
Preexistence of Christ
Preexistence of Christ
The Weightier Matters of the Law
The Weightier Matters of the Law
Satan’s Fate
Satan’s Fate
Strangers and Pilgrims
Strangers and Pilgrims
Personalities of the Spirit Realm
Personalities of the Spirit Realm
The First Resurrection
The First Resurrection
Sabbath Fellowship
Sabbath Fellowship
Preterism is False – Outline
Preterism is False – Outline
Response Under Fire
Response Under Fire
Response to Mistreatment
Response to Mistreatment
Preexistence of the Saints
Preexistence of the Saints
Sabbath Principles
Sabbath Principles
Spirits in Heaven – Outline
Spirits in Heaven – Outline
Reward of the Saints
Reward of the Saints
Our Relationship with Christ
Our Relationship with Christ
Rebels We Are
Rebels We Are
Feast of Trumpets – A Review
Feast of Trumpets – A Review
The Meaning of Trumpets – Outline
The Meaning of Trumpets – Outline
The Feast of Trumpets
The Feast of Trumpets
Overcoming the Adversary
Overcoming the Adversary
Biblical Pattern of Sabbath Fellowship
Biblical Pattern of Sabbath Fellowship
Sabbath Activites
Sabbath Activites
Predestination – Who and Where?
Predestination – Who and Where?
Prayer is our Lifeline
Prayer is our Lifeline
Prayer – The Fulcrum of Daily Living
Prayer – The Fulcrum of Daily Living
A Closer Look At the “One God” Deception
A Closer Look At the “One God” Deception
Only One Way to Eternal Life
Only One Way to Eternal Life
New World Vision
New World Vision
What Changed with the New Covenant
What Changed with the New Covenant
Mysterious Sabbath Verse –  Exodus 20:11
Mysterious Sabbath Verse – Exodus 20:11
Are Military Service and War proper activities for God’s People?
Are Military Service and War proper activities for God’s People?
365 Messianic Prophecies
365 Messianic Prophecies
How does Merchandising relate to Sin?
How does Merchandising relate to Sin?
Marriage – A Review
Marriage – A Review
Interracial Marriage and Scripture
Interracial Marriage and Scripture
Love One Another
Love One Another
LOVE – That much maligned Word
LOVE – That much maligned Word
What are True Liberty and Freedom?
What are True Liberty and Freedom?
Which Laws Should Christians Obey Today?
Which Laws Should Christians Obey Today?
The Spirit and Intent of the Law
The Spirit and Intent of the Law
The Last Great Day – A Hidden Lesson in Government
The Last Great Day – A Hidden Lesson in Government
The Last Great Day
The Last Great Day
What is God’s Purpose and Work?
What is God’s Purpose and Work?
All Will Be Judged
All Will Be Judged
Jesus in the Old Testament
Jesus in the Old Testament
Spiritual Meanings of the 12 Tribes
Spiritual Meanings of the 12 Tribes
Humble Will be Exalted
Humble Will be Exalted
hope is an Anchor
hope is an Anchor
Healthful Living
Healthful Living
Headship What is it?
Headship What is it?
God’s Protection in Difficult Times
God’s Protection in Difficult Times
God’s Government is You
God’s Government is You
God’s Care for Us
God’s Care for Us
Will Gentiles (Non-Israelites) inherit Salvation?
Will Gentiles (Non-Israelites) inherit Salvation?
Living in a  World Where People Play God
Living in a World Where People Play God
The Location and Nature of Heaven
The Location and Nature of Heaven
The “Two-Phase” Return of Christ
The “Two-Phase” Return of Christ
The Power of the Individual
The Power of the Individual
Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell
Forsaking Sin – Our Prime Work
Forsaking Sin – Our Prime Work
People are Individuals
People are Individuals
Who Are the Wolves?
Who Are the Wolves?
Identifying God’s People
Identifying God’s People
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit
One God Fallacy
One God Fallacy
Shepherds We Are
Shepherds We Are
Come Out of Babylon
Come Out of Babylon
Resurrections of the Dead
Resurrections of the Dead
Faith of Abraham
Faith of Abraham
The Laying on of Hands
The Laying on of Hands
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Complacency the enemy within
Complacency the enemy within
The Culture of Death
The Culture of Death
We Must Be Doers of the Father’s Will
We Must Be Doers of the Father’s Will
You Are a Germinating Seed
You Are a Germinating Seed
We Must Endure to the End
We Must Endure to the End
Man’s Destiny – To Become God Like Jesus Christ
Man’s Destiny – To Become God Like Jesus Christ
How Can Sin Be passed Down
How Can Sin Be passed Down
Forgiveness – A study outline
Forgiveness – A study outline
What is Your Future
What is Your Future
When Friends Fail … then what?
When Friends Fail … then what?
The Spring Feast – Incredible Lessons for All
The Spring Feast – Incredible Lessons for All
Headship at Three Levels
Headship at Three Levels
A New Look at “Headship”
A New Look at “Headship”
Government within the Ecclesia
Government within the Ecclesia
How Should We Speak?
How Should We Speak?
Government of God on Earth – Review
Government of God on Earth – Review
None of these Diseases
None of these Diseases
The Plain Truth about Depression
The Plain Truth about Depression
Two Forms of Government
Two Forms of Government
What Form of Government – A Study Guide
What Form of Government – A Study Guide
Fellowship Among Christians
Fellowship Among Christians
Dealing with Differences
Dealing with Differences
Anxiety, Worry, and Fear
Anxiety, Worry, and Fear
The Day of Atonement – A Study Guide
The Day of Atonement – A Study Guide
God’s Government for the Church Today
God’s Government for the Church Today
Aliens and Strangers
Aliens and Strangers
Government in the Ecclesia
Government in the Ecclesia
We Must Forgive
We Must Forgive
Be You Perfect
Be You Perfect
Be a Responsible Christian
Be a Responsible Christian
What Happens to us when we Die?
What Happens to us when we Die?
What Form of Government
What Form of Government
Doctrine of the Nicolaitans
Doctrine of the Nicolaitans
A Professional Clergy
A Professional Clergy
How should Christians Deal with the Wicked?
How should Christians Deal with the Wicked?
Was the Last Supper Passover?
Was the Last Supper Passover?
Whom Do We Fear
Whom Do We Fear
“Fear Not…”
“Fear Not…”