(605) 826-2322 pwsyltie@yahoo.com

How Should We Speak?

A Study Outline


I. Words have profound effects

A. Words can literally move mountains (Matt. 17:20; 21:18-22).

B. By the Word all that we see was brought into being (John 1:1-3; Col. 1:16).

C. Words can raise the dead (John 11:43-44), or heal the sick (James 5:14-15).

II. We are known by the words we speak, and our inner nature is revealed by words (Matt. 12:33-37; Luke 6:43-45).


III. There are prerequisites for our words to have good effects.


A. Faith is required to move mountains (Matt. 17:20).

B. God’s spirit in you enables you to speak correct words (Prov 16:1, 3; Ps. 25:12).

C. As God’s people, we must reflect the very nature of God’s spirit within us.

1. God’s laws are now within our hearts and minds (Heb. 8:10).

2. The fruits of the spirit are utilized by those possessing His spirit (Gal. 5:22-24).

3. Rejoice and think upon God’s beauty, and words of love will come from your mouth (Philip. 4:4-9).

IV. Why is it important to watch the doorway of our mouth?


A. Words can be destructive and literally destroy men and nations (James 3:1-12).

1. Witness how Adolph Hitler’s speeches captivated Germany to rally behind him.

2. The words of a talebearer are as wounds (Prov. 26: 20-22).

B. Proper words can build up and prosper families and nations.

1. We give health to those around us with good words (Prov. 15:4; 16:24).

2. Even a soft answer can “break bones” (Prov. 25:15).

3. If you can bridle (control) your tongue you can control your whole body, and do much good (James 3:2).

V. How should we speak? Be like Jesus Christ (I John 2:6).


A. Reflect the fruits of God’s spirit, which is love, and always have that, nature, flowing from you (Romans 12:1-21).

B. Reveal wickedness, and expose and destroy the works of Satan (I John 3:8).

C. Use a soft and kind approach to defuse a wrathful person (Prov. 15:1).

D. Strive to use knowledge correctly (Prov. 15:2).

E. Think through your answers well before speaking, and spare your words (Prov. 15:28; 17:27-28).

F. Get all of the facts before answering an issue (Prov. 18:13).

G. Be tactful to answer, and be an encourager (Prov. 15:23; 25:11).

H. Prayer is speaking to our heavenly Father; pray often and with great diligence about doing things His way (Rom. 12:12; Ps. 55:16-19; Dan. 6:10; Hosea 7:14).

I. Avoid gossip (Prov. 18:8, 21; Lev. 19:16). Michael did not even rail against Satan (II Peter 2:11).

J. If you lack the faith to move mountains, ask for it (James 1:2-7).

K. Speak God’s commandments and words (Ps. 119:172).

L. Always be ready to give an answer to those who want to know about our hope (I Pet. 3:15).

VI. Why speaking correctly is so critical:


A. We are known by our words; they make us what we are, and even a little folly for a wise man will corrupt his being perceived as a wise man (Prov. 20:11; Eccl. 10:1).

B. We will give account for every idle word we speak in the day of judgment (Matt 12:36), although we are being judged now (I Peter 4:17).